This installation method is no longer supported

Exciting news: Flipbot is now an App in the Uberflip Marketplace!

If you've already installed Flipbot using the Custom Code method it's recommended you disable the custom code and install the app from the marketplace instead.

For full instructions, check out the documentation

Stream Placement

Item Placement

Enabling the Calendly CTA

As an Uberflip user, when you edit your account profile you can add a Calendly link in the "Handles/Account" section.

To enable this feature, in your Flipbot installation, add the following to your flipbot_config variable:

            'item': true,
            'tagline':'Schedule a Call Directly in My Calendar',
            'btn_label':'Book Meeting',
  • stream Enable/Disable the Stream placement

  • item Enable/Disale the Item placement

  • bg_color the background of the CTA

  • tagline the tagline of the CTA

  • btn_label the button label of the CTA

  • position if the Stream placement is enabled, at what position should this CTA appear

    i.e. to have the CTA at the very beginning, set position to 1.

How It Works

If a Calendly link is found in the Sales Stream owner's profile, Flipbot will automatically generate a CTA which, when clicked, opens Calendly's native modal window overtop the screen.

You have the option to enable the Stream placement (always as the last tile) and/or the Item placement (beside the content on screen resolution allows, or below it otherwise).

Note: If there user has no avatar it will simply be omited from the CTA. All other customizations of the CTA can be performed with your own CSS overrides.

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